Retreat Guidance

It is my sincerest desire that for our time together on Retreat that you feel comfortable in every way. Below is some guidance that will help you to navigate your weekend;

· This Retreat is time for yourself, to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, everyone will have different reasons for attending and you are under no obligation to attend all of the different sessions on offer. Please choose how little or how much you would like to participate in.  

· I would ask that you attend the welcome and closing circles and that we all eat our meals together unless there are challenges around doing so (please do advise me if you have needs around food and eating with others and we will accommodate)  

· Please arrive promptly for the sessions you wish to attend; this supports me in the smooth running of the Retreat and assists the catering team in ensuring we are fed on time. If you do not wish to take part in a session please let me know so that I know who to expect.

· Please respect the privacy of other attendees; if someone does not wish to take part in a session/s or would like some time alone, please do not question their need to do so. 

· Please do take some time to listen in to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies when deciding which sessions you wish to attend and respect the needs of these bodies; please do not force yourself to do something if you do not feel like doing so. 

· During our time together, people may share things that are personal to them, please respect each other’s privacy and do not discuss other people and what they may share outside of the weekend. 

· Please respect yourself and others by acting and speaking with kindness and compassion. 

· If people are sharing (particularly in circle) please allow them the time and space to do so, please do not offer advice or support unless it is directly and explicitly asked for. 

· Healthy conversation and debate is encouraged, please respect each individuals viewpoint and opinion even if it is not shared by you. 

· You are strongly encouraged to limit the use of any mobile phones during the Retreat and I request that no mobile phones are brought into the practice space or to any of the sessions. There is wi-fi at the venue, however I have been advised that this is not always reliable due to the nearby RAF Station.

· If I feel that your behaviour is upsetting or disruptive to other attendees or myself, I may ask that you to leave a session or the Retreat entirely (if I request you to leave the Retreat entirely due to your behaviour, you will not receive any refund)